User: atn170001

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User profile: atn170001

User info
User name:atn170001
Name:Alex Nguyen
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Overload + operator to append node to linked list
Oh I see what you mean! Thank you so much, I understand how the overloaded operator works now. And t...

Overload + operator to append node to linked list
I wrote the code to overload the + operator to append a book class node to a bookshelf class linked ...

Having trouble with while()
As far as the while loop goes for unlimited students this is a possible solution: int grade, quit =...

Outputting char pointer of nodes from linked list prints out garbage after calling display function.
I managed to work past it. As far as why the c-string was getting corrupted after calling the functi...

Outputting char pointer of nodes from linked list prints out garbage after calling display function.
The program successfully prints out the char pointer (owner), which displays the owner's name of the...

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