User: celticqueenkira

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User profile: celticqueenkira

User info
User name:celticqueenkira
Number of posts:10
Latest posts:

Compile Error Array/Void function
I gave it more tweaks this morning. It ran beautifully. I can't express my gratitude enough, especia...

Compile Error Array/Void function
Okay, I fixed the range for an F. It's now 0 through 59. Still getting a weird ? when it does the av...

Compile Error Array/Void function
Beautiful! What if I need to display all the grades?

Compile Error Array/Void function
it was just [quote] Please enter 50 grades: Please enter 50 grades: Please enter 50 grades: Please ...

Compile Error Array/Void function
I keep getting 50+ lines of "Please enter 50 grades:" when I run the program. I can't figure out wha...

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