User: chantak

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User profile: chantak

User info
User name:chantak
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

debugger tracer [anti-crash system]
Hummm, right... I am only using LoadLibrary because some types of plugins [depending what languag...

debugger tracer [anti-crash system]
Thanks very much again, But my project is opensource.... I am developing it with some few guys, an...

debugger tracer [anti-crash system]
Thanks very much, I know that it is complex, but if you saw my first post, I said... [quote]...An...

debugger tracer [anti-crash system]
Hi, Yes, good. I am loading the plugins at runtime using LoadLibrary API. Well, I thought in th...

debugger tracer [anti-crash system]
Well, sure, I forgot to define better the goal. My project is mixed, I am building the IDE with V...

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