User profile: cppstudent93

User info
User name:cppstudent93
Number of posts:11
Latest posts:

Need to make a function for user input validity
Thanks for responding, I tried implementing your function into the main function in the same places ...

Need to make a function for user input validity
I have a menu driven program where the user can enter the number 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and -1 that co...

Bugs with Program Due Tomorrow (User defined functions)
Thank you for the addTen function help! It worked! Now when the number is below 10 the current numbe...

Bugs in Program Due Tomorrow (User Defined Functions)
Thank you for replying, I appreciate it very much. The while loop makes sense now. Another person on...

Bugs in Program Due Tomorrow (User Defined Functions)
Part 2 (functions): [code]void menuOptions() { cout << "Enter the corresponding number with what...