User: evenstar

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User profile: evenstar

User info
User name:evenstar
Number of posts:15
Latest posts:

forward declaration of typedef
try this: [code] typedef struct mystruct { int i; double f; } myotherstruct; struct myotherstruct...

forward declaration of typedef
Hello all. [code] struct mystruct { int i; double f; } ; typedef mystruct myothe...

Dependent Names in Using-Declarations
This is a bug for GCC4.7.0

is there some E-journal about C++
"C/C++ Users Journal" has been shut down for many years, is there some E-journal about C++ which cou...

Dependent Names in Using-Declarations
Hi,there is an example from ”C++ Templates: The Complete Guide 9.3.4 “: [code] template<typenam...

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