User: geekytom777

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User profile: geekytom777

User info
User name:geekytom777
Number of posts:15
Latest posts:

How to use a string as a delimiter using getline function?
How do I use a string in place of a character in the function getline? For example, [code] getl...

Finding number of lines between two specified characters.
Thanks JLBorges, that works a lot better than what I came up with after I posted this.

Finding number of lines between two specified characters.
I am looking for a way to correctly count the lines between two specified characters/strings in a fi...

Line count, what's wrong with my logic?
Thanks I removed that, so that's what I have up there so far in my original post. I can't seem to g...

Line count, what's wrong with my logic?
That line checks for a newline character equal to 0. Now that I think about it, the ==0 part shou...

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