User profile: grider67

User info
User name:grider67
Name:Pete Krolczyk
Location:Katy Texas
Bio:I just started Programming Fundamentals I. I have never done it before so bear with me.
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Number of posts:28
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Quadratic Equation
I get a C4700 with a, b, c uninitialized local variable for Line 16. What am I doing wrong? [code] ...

Left and right manipulators
Next question is... Why am I not getting a decimal layout like on Line 50 for Line 33? and How can I...

Left and right manipulators
Thanks for the help again... I fixed now. It was depending on how many letters were being used withi...

Left and right manipulators
Ok now I have the Product description in the right spot. How do I get Unit price, Quantity and Total...

Working w input