User: heros666

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User profile: heros666

User info
User name:heros666
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

fscanf in C++
Ganado (1892) Non, Ive not ignored your code, your code was not showed on my phone, Ive not seen i...

fscanf in C++
This is not c++? I've studied c++ for 3 weeks, I've thought that we could use fscanf in c++ ..... ...

fscanf in C++
Hi I want to use fscanf to get data from a file "ecrire.txt": 30 lalal 50 lllll 99 kkk...

why do we want to point to a class?
Thanks Uk Marine. Thanks Ganado for your tutorial.

why do we want to point to a class?
Hi guys, [code] class A{ } int main(){ A a; A*aa; return 0; } [/code] I want to know...

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