User: icemanfan

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User profile: icemanfan

User info
User name:icemanfan
Number of posts:18
Latest posts:

Project Ideas
I have taken a class in C++ and I have learned a bit of it on my own and I think I'm at the point wh...

How to convert string to *char for strcmp
Duoas: Your method worked for me when I was playing around with the command, but h...

How to convert string to *char for strcmp
Here is my code: [code] bool SpellList::searchList (string target) { bool found; pPre = N...

Best compiler
I don't know what compiler is the best, but I use Quincy and it works fine for me. You get the occas...

calculating total
In general, there is one significant problem with the program, and the problem is that you can only ...

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