User profile: jakesalomon

User info
User name:jakesalomon
Name:Jacob Salomon
Location:Brooklyn, NY
Bio:General specialist:
- DBA (Mainly Informix, some Oracle w PL/SQL)
- Perl (with a couple of contributions to CPAN)
- C

Math geek wannabe. Lover of classical music.
Statistical data
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Protected value changed between setting and use
THANK YOU zapshe! That was exactly it! If you meet me on the street, do not ask why I have a bruise...

Protected value changed between setting and use
Hi Y'all. Another beginner question, although I'm getting into the esoterics here. As I mentioned ...

Explicit destructor call ==> program freeze
Hey guys, I'm a C and Perl programmer; some habits are hard to to shake off, especially if I don't k...

Explicit destructor call ==> program freeze
WOW! This has been greatly (bigly? :-) ) helpful. Jib's short explanation and Niccolo's treatise ...

Explicit destructor call ==> program freeze
Hi all. I am using Bucky's C++ tutorials on YouTube at: (