User profile: lfnunley

User info
User name:lfnunley
Name:Luke Nunley
Location:United States
Bio:I am a rising sophomore at a Governers school in Virginia. I am new to c++, but learning quicky
Number of posts:62
Latest posts:

Crashing upon new Gdiplus::Image()
Good news! It bugged out with the same problem, therefor it's a GDI+/Library problem! What might I d...

Crashing upon new Gdiplus::Image()
Usually I'm fully against Visual Studio, but I'll try anything. I'll report back when I've downloade...

Crashing upon new Gdiplus::Image()
Here is a pastebin of the entire class. m_pImage is a member variable: ...

Crashing upon new Gdiplus::Image()
There are no memory leaks, and I'm almost positive it is a valid pointer pointing to the correct pat...

Crashing upon new Gdiplus::Image()
Thanks, I'll play around with the path, I'll post on how it went.