User: olefredrik

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User profile: olefredrik

User info
User name:olefredrik
Number of posts:9
Latest posts:

unique_ptr , how to create and use
Solved: Node* LinkedList::insert(Node* pos, const std::string& value) { Node * pNode; // non-own...

unique_ptr , how to create and use
pos->getPrev()->next = std::move(pNode); return pNode.get(); Think this also is invalid because ...

unique_ptr , how to create and use
of course , sorry

unique_ptr , how to create and use
Thanks JL I am a lot further but still absolutely stuck. I have updated the code in the first post.

unique_ptr , how to create and use
Thanks JL but stillI am stuck in this Insert function at the marked line. [code] Node* LinkedList...

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