User: pbhuter

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User profile: pbhuter

User info
User name:pbhuter
Number of posts:29
Latest posts:

Const Struct (Typedef?)
What would "Data" be?

Const Struct (Typedef?)
I have a whole list of struct variables created. For example, I have: [code]struct F {double Fx, Fy...

Declare virtual class
Psuedocode: [code]virtual struct getLinearAccel();[/code] I know this doesn't work, I need to ...

Const Struct (Typedef?)
Pseudocode: [code]class Accel { public: Accel(const struct &F); etc... };[/code] ...

Reading all but the last few lines of a data file
I can easily skip the header of a data file using getline, but then when I parse through the data fi...

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