User profile: peteB

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User name:peteB
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

'createfile ' method..file handling conflict / files overwriting each other
Freddie1, Great, thanks, much appreciated. And certainly no need to explain yourself "That's why I ...

'createfile ' method..file handling conflict / files overwriting each other
Thanks so much Freddie1.. That does make sense, I appreciate that. But can I be sure what you are s...

'createfile ' method..file handling conflict / files overwriting each other
Thanks freddie1. Would that be pretty much the same as using ifstream, ofstream, etc?

'createfile ' method..file handling conflict / files overwriting each other
code added....

'createfile ' method..file handling conflict / files overwriting each other
Hi, I'm hoping this question is a recognisable issue to experienced windows programmers.It's the ki...