User: salamxdd

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User profile: salamxdd

User info
User name:salamxdd
Number of posts:4
Latest posts:

Getting a munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer error, using pointers for my first time
The issue was the way I deleted the pointer. Thank you so much for the help:)

Getting a munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer error, using pointers for my first time
I will run the deubugger now and get back to you. I am a begginer so all of this is pretty new to me...

Getting a munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer error, using pointers for my first time
I am using pointers for the first time and for the life of me I can't figure it out. [code] #in...

Adding a "enter q to quit" for a calculator
I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the "enter Q to quit" to work properly. I don't kno...

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