User: stealthy12341

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User profile: stealthy12341

User info
User name:stealthy12341
Number of posts:12
Latest posts:

Getting a segfaulr and I can't figure out why
So my destructor is [code] Tech::~Tech(); { for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ...

Getting a segfaulr and I can't figure out why
So how do I make sure that it is allocating memory? I thought I was doing that when I initialized my...

Getting a segfaulr and I can't figure out why
Awesome thank you for the feedback, I just incorporated that into my deconstructor. I'm still having...

Getting a segfaulr and I can't figure out why
Title. I don't know why this is happening but I am getting a segfault saying free(): invalid size e...

Having trouble using pointers with classes
So I think I get what you're saying, and thank you for taking the time to help a noob out. but I'm s...

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