User profile: tomao

User info
User name:tomao
Number of posts:31
Latest posts:

Prime Numbers
[code]boolean is_it_prime(int N){ for(int i = 2; i <= sqrt(N); i++){ if ((N % i) == 0){re...

Stack-Based Calculator
could you please put your code in nice [code]code boxes.[/code] It makes it so much easier to read.

Alternative option to getline
the only alternative I know would be the extraction operator. For example: [code]file >> dump;[/co...

Open file, not in folder
Thank you very much! :) You don't know how much you have helped me!

The program terminates just when it starts (Novice Question)
Right before you have 'return 0;' put: [code]system("PAUSE");[/code]