Beginner and trying to learn.

closed account (LE8p216C)
I need help calculating the final grades. Assume we have only 3 students in this class so build a loop into this program. Obtain the student id #, the first test grade, second test score and 4 lab assignment scores from the keyboard. Validate that the 2 test scores are between 0-100. In the main routine, calculate the average by adding the six scores together and then dividing the result by six. Call a function, taking with you the average, that will figure and print the letter grade. Based on the Average, assign the student a letter grade as follows: Average Range Letter Grade 90 - 100 A 80 – 89.9 B 70 – 79.9 C 60 – 69.9 D 0 - 59.9 F

This is for a class I am teaching showing them a basic on CPP can anyone show me the most basic command way of doing this without any hard arrays or loops that would be confusing for them starting out?
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You should have 7 variables to store the required information. You can then use std::cin to input into all of them (without loops). Next, you can use them to print out a letter grade based on the specifications you assigned, using if blocks.
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