Beginners - May 2020 (Page 3)

error being received - ++ no operator matches these operands operand types are: DegreeType == const char [9]
I'm working on a project for class and was hoping someone could help me figure this out. I am receiving an error that indicates no operator "==" matches these o...
[1 reply] : Please post the declaration of class DegreeType. (by dhayden)
by Mif
Problem with the text box..
Well I solved the problem with the output text and change the static to an edit read only text box. Now I can see the message and the scrolls are functioning.. ...
[3 replies] Last: Hmmm the edit control that is set to disabled or Read only they send t... (by Mif)
by Mif
How to set text to a static from a .txt file
Part from my code: . . void LoadFileInResource(int name, int type, DWORD& size, const char*& data) { HMODULE handle = ::GetModuleHandle(NULL); ...
[10 replies] Last: You are very welcome. (by Thomas1965)
Relation template
Hi, I have to make a template class that describes Binary Relation between elements of type T and elements of type U. The relation shows sequnece of pairs that ...
[2 replies] Last: something like this gives you a path to figure out what the type is ... (by markyrocks)
What is wrong with my code? [SOLVED]
Hello , I'm new to C++, I've been trying to code a calculator, but when I run my code, it says something is wrong with it, I rechecked the code 4 times but stil...
[6 replies] Last: Dang 3 hrs for a missing semicolon. Thats a hard lesson learned. (by markyrocks)
by yin
I have to write five unit tests and im getting quite a few errors
I'm required to write 5 unit tests. I'm getting several errors. Can someone please fix class test so I know how to go about writing these tests? #include ...
[4 replies] Last: 131-134 You can't access the members of a class instance outside of th... (by TheToaster)
Dice Game isn't repeating loop
I recently wrote a multiplayer dice game but for some reason it's not asking whether or not ppl want to play again. It's heavily based off a casino game I found...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for the response, I fixed the code. The problem was indeed l... (by scourtheweb007)
by voxofe
UI options for an elevator simulator
I would like to write c++ using UI for the first time since being new to this, all I've been making til now is console applications. I think I'm gonna try an...
[no replies]
by Ben19
Grid game with mines
Hi i have a grid game which i'm making and don't know why the game isn't working as it should. a player should be able to win by flaging all the mines in the gr...
[2 replies] Last: while (Found == false || NumberOfMinesFound == NumberofMinesToFind) {... (by dhayden)
by seatea
Some guidance with exit code -1073741819 (0xC0000005)
Ok, I've been struggling a lot with what I think is a minor tweak somewhere. When using debug mode everything is working as intended with the code that I'm d...
[6 replies] Last: Ok, I'm just dumb. I had a destructor that was just deleting the song ... (by seatea)
Balls collision simulation - problem
Hi ! :) I'm new to C++ and need to somehow manage balls collision simulation for my classes. If there was similar topic then I'm sorry I didnt find it. S...
[8 replies] Last: Hi, You could also add to the modelling by adding more realistic phy... (by Shishykish)
Return Pointer of Last Char
Trying to figure out a helper function that'll return a pointer to the last character in a given string (in this case declared as a char ). Does this look corr...
[17 replies] Last: Thanks TheToaster . To everyone else I appreciate the info and will ... (by dakotad8218)
pls i want an answer today thank you
why this code is wrong and how i can fix it please can you tell me why this is wrong // #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cstdl...
[10 replies] Last: Animal is a generic class to represent an animal. For a bird or a cat ... (by dhayden)
by yin
How can i incorporate polymorphism into this program without changing it too much?
Does my program employ any operator or function overloading? If not, is there any way i can incorporate it without changing it too much? #include <iostream> ...
[3 replies] Last: Did the assignment tell you to make a class called "user" that is the ... (by TheToaster)
by ljubo
May I ask you to expain to me how this works? What is what, and why is it so? Thansk in fornt. string unesi, piramida; cout << "Unesite brojeve ...
[1 reply] : > May I ask you to expain to me how this works? 1. Run it and find ou... (by salem c)
by Tomi
Working with timers in C++
Hello C++ experts! I'm still new here and I programming in C++ only a few days ago, but I have some programming knowledge from other languages (JavaScript, F...
[13 replies] Last: I don't know much about code::blocks. Once you created the break poin... (by thmm)
why cant i use .length(); command to find the length of this pointer? and i also get garbage values when printing the location aswell string s1 = "Matt"; ...
[7 replies] Last: string s1 = "Matt"; int n1 = 13; int n2 = 7; string* pS1=&s1; ... (by jonnin)
Im going to try and rephrase my question.
Hii Guys!! I have posted previously about my predicament and was told by other members to be more specific, so here goes! I have the following code: std::i...
[5 replies] Last: does it work with this? wchar_t str2 = "" ? (by jonnin)
by yin
My if statements and while loops aren't functioning (1,2)
Neither of my if loops are functioning. I keep being asked to enter the username. So the second prompt to enter username is functioning (I added jjj so I could ...
[20 replies] Last: @Maryrocks thank you, that was very easy to understand! I ended up sol... (by yin)
by mjs264
Inheritance using header files.
So I'm trying to practice basic inheritance. I have one main .cpp file with several classes and I tried to create a header file with another class derived from ...
[2 replies] Last: > #include "Student.h" ... > class Person At the point you include the... (by salem c)
May 2020 Pages: 12345... 17
  Archived months: [apr2020] [jun2020]

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