How solve this bug? allegro 5 library

basically, a time after the user press the movement keys, the character disappears and got substituted for a color white rectangle, see the video for understand with more clarity:
the bug don't have a constant delay to occurs, sometimes is more fast, sometimes is more delayed, sometimes not occurs.

the code:

al_wait_for_event(eventos, &ev);
if (ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_TIMER)
anim.Update(); //updates a variable thats defines which animation will be used
al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb(0, 0, 0));
al_draw_bitmap_region(skin,anim.getCurDraw() * player.getLargura(),anim.getCurColumn() * player.getAltura(),
player.getLargura(),player.getAltura(),player.getX(),player.getY(),0); //draw of the character
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