General C++ Programming - June 2021 (Page 5)

by zak100
Developing Contraol Flow graph for Solidity Smart Contracts in C/C++ Language
Hi, I am interested in developing Control flow graph in C++ language. What are the advantages available (i.e. libraries for C++ developers related to EVM) in...
[3 replies] Last: It means, you'll probably have to build it yourself from more primitiv... (by kbw)
by Borneq
In my C++ project std::remove refers to stdio.h
I have error in my code: void Config::UpdateMRUPageClose(const wxString &path) { mru.erase(std::remove(mru.begin(), mru.end(), path), mru.end()); /ho...
[1 reply] : std::remove is in the <algorithm> library for C++ as well in the ... (by George P)
Accepts and write top scores of game user.
/ //My biggest goal is to read the details from the user and write to the file and also be able to use them also to print them and ensure that the ranking is s...
[7 replies] Last: Once more I tried to understand the friend and operators seems to be m... (by SITHESH)
undefined reference to `PacketProcessor::SetSeqStart(unsigned char)'|
hello I'm getting error undefined reference to `PacketProcessor::SetSeqStart(unsigned char)'| when trying to compile my c++ program, does anyone know where to s...
[1 reply] : (by salem c)
Can an object pass itself to a function (not part of a class i.e. global scope), which modifies that object.
I'm confused as to how to achieve that, most of the examples i have seen have methods present in another class which we instantiate in our object class and use...
[3 replies] Last: I have figured it out, for anyone else the final code would be // f... (by ImC0nfused)
by axl
Bowling Frame Program
Hello, I'm stuck with this program I'm trying to make. This is what I'm supposed to do: create a program that will track the results of each throw, 2 per fra...
[1 reply] : Hello axl, So what did you not understand from post http://www.cplusp... (by Handy Andy)
need help with pollymorphism
below is the data that i have to read from a txt file using the fstream lib and store them in some different types of classes, its basically a pollymorphism act...
[4 replies] Last: For istream >> overload, don't use const for the target - otherwise th... (by seeplus)
Hello everyone. So my task is to write a program that will find its way into a numerical maze. Numbers from 1 to 33 are written in 64 cells of a square 8х8....
[10 replies] Last: @jonnin, That is kind of what I figured. But OP starts by talking ab... (by Handy Andy)
seperating decleration and definitions of classes
i created a game in sdl library, the game is working just fine but for the game i created few classes, i just wanted to get the game working as soon as possible...
[2 replies] Last: Possibly a little late for the suggestion, but it's always best to des... (by seeplus)
Argument Type is incompatible with parameter of same Type
Trying to write a C++ OO code for magic the gathering. And I'm getting an error that I probably am misunderstanding a bit. k is map<string, Cards*>::iterator ...
[13 replies] Last: It may help if you posted the definition of Cards , Creature , Sorc... (by kbw)
by volang
How to convert data in char array to hex? (1,2)
I have a null terminated char array (recvbuf) which contains 517 characters (charLength). I need this data in hex so this is what i've tried so far. ...
[27 replies] Last: Now you confused me. The hex representation of the binary stored in ... (by jonnin)
2d matrix of pixels to screen
I have a program (slime mold simulation) that generates a big 2d array of values. I want to draw this matrix to the screen as pixels in real time. I see a lot o...
[9 replies] Last: The values are stored in a dynamic array of integers so I can easily p... (by Zarro110)
Error: Openmp c++: error: collapsed loops not perfectly nested
I have the following serial code that I would like to make parallel. I understand when using the collapse clause for nested loops, it's important to not have co...
[3 replies] Last: Using a shallower loop is easier for the branch predictor. Actually th... (by helios)
Merge part of mergesort
Hello guys. I have the following code for mergesort: void merge(T a , int l, int m, int r) { int i, j; static T aux ; for (i = m+1; i > l; i--) aux[i-1] = a[...
[5 replies] Last: It's best to allocate the extra space dynamically (perhaps as a vector... (by dutch)
by axl
Bowling Program
Hello, I'm stuck with this program I'm trying to make. This is what I'm supposed to do: create a program that will track the results of each throw, 2 per frame...
[1 reply] : Hello axi, PLEASE ALWAYS USE CODE TAGS (the <> formatting button), ... (by Handy Andy)
Please help
below is my simple cpp program. it does not print the value of k as float. it's printing the integer value. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int N,s...
[4 replies] Last: #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int N; co... (by lastchance)
June 2021 Pages: 1... 345
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