General C++ Programming - October 2020 (Page 3)

C++ keyword definition request (1,2)
Hello. I did not know it, but, the C++ book I read was pretty outdated. And I would like to know what the following keywords do: #pragma , extern , template...
[26 replies] Last: Lol I like how I can always guess who reported my reply. @dutch Hahah... (by SirEnder125)
by jax16
Print all
[3 replies] Last: What are you trying to do? Something like this? // Not tested. #in... (by SirEnder125)
Context Switch
I need help with this code. Complete the code so that the output is: Main1 says Hello Main2 says Hello Main1 says Hello You are not allowed to manipulate ...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you. I got it working. (by willie99)
Converting 1d array output to look like a matrix
Hey ya'll, I'm trying to print a 1d array as a 2d matrix. I started off by creating a char array which hold 25 elements, I then created a pointer to a char ar...
[12 replies] Last: And that’s not to forget the speed increases that can be achieved by... (by againtry)
Zombie Sandwich Shop Program
Zombie Sandwich Shop The BRAINS! Vision BRAINS! caters to a clientele that is extremely specific in their needs, demanding in their requirements, and hungry fo...
[12 replies] Last: Well what did you think was going to happen? :) (by Ganado)
Map and ofstream/ifstream
Hey guys So, I what I am trying to accomplish is I have a account class and a bank class. my bank class uses a map which stores the account object. upon startin...
[5 replies] Last: Without testing, I am not at my development PC at the moment, move yo... (by seeplus)
Modified Secant Method
#include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<math.h> #include<stdlib.h> /* Defining equation to be solved. Change this equation to solve another problem. ...
[2 replies] Last: I guess you probably meant this one. It's more like a modified Newton-... (by lastchance)
boost::spirit::karma::generate not working as expected
Hi, I am taking a code sample from the documentation of Boost.Spirit (see
[5 replies] Last: the error is using boost::spirit::qi::int_ instead of karma::_int: thi... (by JUANDENT)
Function issue
Hello, I wrote a code in C++ that can encode and decode files. After that the programm have to check or numbers from the file are lychrel numbers. I used fun...
[4 replies] Last: Thankyou very much (by pieterdehoogd)
Call and Search Help
I need help finishing the calling and searching for the binary and recursive areas. I have linear done but I don't know how to do the other two because of some ...
[4 replies] Last: As you're displaying the elapsed time in microseconds, why not have Ti... (by seeplus)
by jax16
Vector or Array
Howdy, need help with this. I didn't really get any help or an answer. original post Really would like ...
[3 replies] Last: (by againtry)
by markj
main() is not Main
I was totally blown away when I copied / pasted some C++ COM code into a MS Visual Studio Console App project... Trying to learn COM. When I started to trace...
[4 replies] Last: helios - OK... Thanks... I learned something about COM today: Cla... (by markj)
Visual Studio 2019 errors
Hello. I get the following errors every time I build with Visual Studio 2019: LNK4075 ignoring '/INCREMENTAL' due to '/OPT:ICF' specification Error LNK20...
[2 replies] Last: If you are wanting to test drive VS2019 I really, really, REALLY recom... (by George P)
by rnima
Overloaded function Modulus
I need big help with figuring out Int operator%(const Int&); i havent started on division just yet because it looks like its going to be more complicated ...
[5 replies] Last: For 'ordinary' numbers division or modulo arithmetic can be carried ou... (by againtry)
by rnima
How to compute the size of an array with leading zeros
So basically i have an array of size 20, and i am wanting to store a number inside the array | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4...
[4 replies] Last: @rnina, if it’s a genuine big-number class (which your notation does... (by lastchance)
Good afternoon friends I need help and guidance: I downloaded and installed the software on my computer C / C ++ for Visual Studio Code And I want to progra...
[1 reply] : No offense, but this question is like a caveman chiseling out a stone ... (by jonnin)
How are .dll files used??
Hello. I would like to know how to use a .dll in my program and what exactly a .dll does. If anyone can answer my question, please do. That's about it, thanks...
[9 replies] Last: I don't know what kind of project you're doing, but usually, if you wa... (by closed account D4Ev4iN6)
Retrieving values from a web page
Hi I want to retrieve stock index values on a web page but when I execute the code it makes a mistake and displays nothing. Can someone tell me why? #incl...
[8 replies] Last: It's okay, I've got what I need. Thanks for giving me the idea to use ... (by ovufaco)
Reading numbers from textfile C++
Hey I've a textfile with letters and digits in it. I want to create a function that get integers from the textfile. I can do it for 9, 1, 3 etc but i fail to do...
[13 replies] Last: Consider: #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <cctype> ... (by seeplus)
How do I search a .txt file and print related lines in c++?
In my code, I want to have a function that goes through each line in a file and prints out the line if the first word in the sentence contains the number given ...
[7 replies] Last: Hello, What is the format of the file? Can you provide an example. ... (by seeplus)
October 2020 Pages: 12345
  Archived months: [sep2020] [nov2020]

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