User: Biglis35

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User profile: Biglis35

User info
User name:Biglis35
Number of posts:4
Latest posts:

How to declare variables? Stuck in x-code
I am stuck with 11 lines of errors in x-code... here is one... [b]webView.userInteractionEnabled=NO;...

I need to get a website back up & running
I know what comes up @ the moment Duoas... I need to find out how I insert the code from the previou...

I need to get a website back up & running
Hello, a few years ago (about 7 or so) I developed a concept for a website but I had (& still do not...

How do you get the concept of coding by using Codeblocks?
I have been using codeblocks for 3 months now & I still don't understand the concept of writing sour...

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