User: Opossum

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User profile: Opossum

User info
User name:Opossum
Number of posts:14
Latest posts:

Cant figure out this infinite loop
Classic :): [code]for(startScan = 0; startScan = (NUM_NAMES - 1); startScan++)[/code] [code]for(sta...

OpenGL 3.X book or tutorial?
Oh, so those GLTools get explained in detail later in the book. Guess I'll give it another try then....

OpenGL 3.X book or tutorial?
Hi guys, I've been trying to get into OpenGL recently after "finishing" SDL. So at first I tried ou...

Very strange compiler error
Did you declare display_pixel const? If yes, then that's probably what's causing the error, since th...

[C++] How to make a program wide shortcut?
Well there's this: It's global but yo...

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