OpenGL 3.X book or tutorial?

Hi guys,
I've been trying to get into OpenGL recently after "finishing" SDL. So at first I tried out the SuperBible, but what I absolutely hate about that thing is that the author is permanently using his own toolbox which basically hides big parts of the actual OpenGL API. I really don't want to figure out all the hidden stuff myself, as that's what the book should do for me.

So, are there any books/tutorials that you would recommend for OpenGL 3.0+? Preferably one that uses a windows and input library like GLUT or SDL to write portable code.
I don't mind if it's very math heavy. Actually I'd even prefer if it is, so I get to understand all those matrix transformations and stuff.

Thanks in advance.
I returned the OpenGL SuperBible Rev. 5 to my Uni library today. As far as I could see there isn't that much "hidden" stuff in there. Actually the SuperBible is quite good - have you come to the advanced section? There you get most of the GL knowledge that's hidden by the GLT. This book is the most up to date OpenGL text on OpenGL 3.3 there is. BTW, there is a huge reference of all GL 3.3 calls in the appendix.

The "Red Book" has been the standard beginners text since version 1.0 - maybe you should give that a try. Check it out in its latest revision. It covers 3.0 and 3.1. I guess they didn't move away from GLUT - didn't look into this one since it holds nothing for me anymore.

None of the introductory OpenGL books give you a thorough introduction to standard math concepts used in CG - which isn't surprising since it's an OpenGL text, not a math textbook.

If you want good 3D Math this book by Eric Lengyel is very renowned in the CG community:

Trust me, you'll want to know exactly what "those matrix transformations and stuff" are all about. Otherwise you'll be frustrated very quickly.

Oh, so those GLTools get explained in detail later in the book. Guess I'll give it another try then.
I've taken the Red Book into consideration too but apparently the 3.0 version is horrible ( check out those reviews) and since my uni currently has no versions available, I'll rather not give it a try.

That math book is looking decent though. I'll use that for reference in case the math gets way above my head. LinAlg and CG lectures in summer term should do the rest :).

If you're just starting out in CG you'll be stuffed with the basics anyway. ;)

About the reviews: I'm surprised people complain about a book that specifically covers version 3.0, which, guaranteed by the specification, only marks pre 3.0 features as deprecated, and then wonder that the book is talking about completely valid features when not using the core profile. They never said it would be an introduction to the 3.1 core profile.

Plus, NVidia has officially stated that they do not agree fully with the deprecation mechanism since they feel completely valid functionality got canned in the core profile. As far as I've seen it the Red Book is as good as ever for beginners - some reviewers are crappy though. ;)

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I like Swiftless tutorials:
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