General C++ Programming - September 2020 (Page 2)

Using Curl in C++ to get http response string after sending http string to server.
In a C ++ program I need to send an http message using Curl to another machine where is running a REST server written in C ++, and then collect the response fro...
[1 reply] : What is your REST server saying while all this is going on? Is it gett... (by salem c)
template function that takes Vector T and Vector U and returns the sum of v1[i] * v2[i]
This is an exercise I am working on alone. The idea is too get familiar with auto, decltype, and type traits. Assuming C++20 isn't a thing yet with concepts, so...
[2 replies] Last: Okay I see some parts that need fixing. I must have misunderstood how ... (by closed account 26q2b7Xj)
Logical Operators + Ifs Small Problems (1,2)
Write your question here. PROBLEM #4 In college, each class typically counts as somewhere between 3 and 5 credits. A student must take at least 12 credi...
[20 replies] Last: So I have officially finalized everything. #include <iostream> #inclu... (by closed account oG8qGNh0)
Can a const function accept member parameters ad reference?
Can I do this: class foo { public: void bar() { baz(num, 6); } private: void baz(int& val1, int val2) const { val1 = val2; } private: ...
[2 replies] Last: Oh okay, so is it recommended? (by closed account Ey80oG1T)
by Zphip
void function error
So im trying to create a c++ program that executes the sieve of eratosthenes. I keep getting an error that says I have no matching function to call and it says ...
[1 reply] : print_primes(myInt); On this line, you are passing in 1 argument, myI... (by Ganado)
Jacobi Method
#include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; int main(void) { float a , b , m , n ; int p = 0, q = 0, i = 0, j = 0; cout << "Enter size...
[15 replies] Last: I solved it. Thank you so much for you help @lastchance (by thanhquan1704)
assigning ojne string object to another problem
hi to all, I've centos 7 in VM, and trying to assign one array of strings to another. i did like this :- string choices // some where in file ... // some w...
[2 replies] Last: If you actually don't want a vector (which is certainly preferred) you... (by coder777)
Removing elements from vectors without erasing
I'm writing an inventory program that catalogs items based on quantity, price, ID number, etc. I need to create a function that removes an item from the invento...
[4 replies] Last: Does the order of the stored items have to remain the same? If they do... (by seeplus)
How to search a linked list for certain data
For this program I am not allowed to use vectors or std:: I have a function called findStudent that takes a linked list structure as an argument. The function...
[4 replies] Last: @dhayden bool LinkedList<TYPE>::retrieve(TYPE &dataIn) const note th... (by ne555)
nested private struct visible from outside??
Hi, I have a nested struct in the private sector of another struct yet is visible from the outside... why? struct Point { private: Point(float ...
[1 reply] : No, I am sorry ... Factory is a static instance of PointFactory define... (by JUANDENT)
by rnima
Display of a singlyLinked list using Queue with rear and front as pointers
So i am having trouble understanding how to display my queue, and if my implementation of queue is correct #ifndef DB_H #define DB_H #include "Node...
[13 replies] Last: Please post node.h. Anywhere that rear can change, there's a good cha... (by dhayden)
Having problem understaning a concept in C++ 20
I have this concept: template <class T, class U> using CommonType = std::common_type_t<T, U>; template <class T, class U> concept Common = requires (T t...
[7 replies] Last: thanks! (by JUANDENT)
Problem with finding exact int in array.
I'm trying to do a basic login system. The problem is, the first int in the array works just fine, but when I use any other one, it doesn't work. CODE int ma...
[7 replies] Last: thank you so much it helped in lot in my coding! (by RachelCulbertson)
How do I specify my OpenGL context to draw to an image array instead of a window
What I would like to know is how I would implement a camera instead of a window for my graphics drawings.
[1 reply] : Your question doesn't really make sense to me if interpreted literally... (by Ganado)
Strange Output
Hey all me again. ' I' setting up a program for three separate functions and I've got them all done until I fix this problem. I'm sure I'll have 10 more err...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks for the help so far. I definitely am only three days into funct... (by JPetrucci84)
error for program creation for lower value and higher value in c ++
I'm trying to create a program that uses 4 ifs to make the operation with the highest value and the lowest value in C ++, but every time a squeegee condition ap...
[1 reply] : duplicate (by jonnin)
Gaussian with Scaled Partial Pivoting
[4 replies] Last: [quote=thanhquan1704]I'm gonna write main function later .... then wh... (by lastchance)
Newbie question
Hey all, new member. I'm working on a program to create an average of a set of arrays as well as the Median. I've pretty much gotten the average down, now...
[16 replies] Last: [quote=JPetrucci84]That's all it takes, though, amirite? No. (by lastchance)
Lambda returning decltype(auto) vrs auto
Hi, What is the difference between returning decltype(auto), auto and not specifyiung return type at all in a lambda? I have this code: template<typ...
[6 replies] Last: thanks!! (by JUANDENT)
IF Else Statement
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a; cout<<"Enter a:"; cin>>a; if(a>10) cout<<a; else cout<<"Wron...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a; c... (by lastchance)
September 2020 Pages: 1234
  Archived months: [aug2020] [oct2020]

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