Beginners - September 2020 (Page 10)

problem with string -get line with while loop
hi there, why can't i get the line again in while loop ? #include<iostream> #include<string> int main() { char again; do { std::string nam...
[12 replies] Last: "Furry Guy" "seeplus" thank you guys for your help i appreciate it .. ... (by semsemdiver)
array size in for loop
Hello, I am wondering about getting the size of an array and using it in a for loop. Is this possible? Code given below. In the first for loop I used 10 as the ...
[6 replies] Last: @MyOnlinePersona, As a matter of interest, what is your code intended ... (by lastchance)
Is the NULL pointer same as an uninitialized pointer?
Hi, Is the NULL pointer same as an uninitialized pointer? Thanks
[5 replies] Last: Is it NULL pointer? int *p = NULL; Yes - but in C++ it should be ... (by seeplus)
by Nergis
Help with console closing down automatically
my first task and I need help as it shuts down immediately after I have answered how do I get it not to shut down automatically? I have onöy read c++ for 3 wee...
[3 replies] Last: See the 'sticky' thread at the top of this forum ' Console Closing dow... (by seeplus)
Changing values and storing new values in file (1,2)
Hi guys its just a simple code in which it has a fixed price in a file but I want to add more price with the exciting price so it can be the new price. I tried ...
[23 replies] Last: BTW As we all know a container ... <map> ... is the way to go and if O... (by againtry)
Random number generator in vectors
It been awhile since I've used c++ as I have been using python more frequently however, I need a refresher on how to create a random number generator in vectors...
[4 replies] Last: And then with modern C++ random engine: #include <iostream> #include ... (by keskiverto)
Please help - Array - out of range error
Hi All, Doing an assignment with one aspect being working out the maximum amount of a material used. Loading the material used into an array, then a maximum ...
[6 replies] Last: Now, you have both: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include ... (by againtry)
by ispy
Interchange Harcoded c:\\ for SystemDrive Variable
Hi everyone, I apologise in advance if my question seems confusing & noobish but I have no clue about coding in C++ hence the apparent ignorance & difficulty t...
[13 replies] Last: @ jonnin, I generally like to leave whatever I am doing on a positive... (by ispy)
by abuh
please help me
Rewrite the header and body of SetHour, SetMinute, and SetSecond functions in the Time class to enable invoking these functions sequentially in the same stateme...
[2 replies] Last: Please use code tags so that the code is readable! (by seeplus)
I’m... too obsessed with std::move?
Ok so as far as I’ve read, then entire point of adding the type type&& was to allow for just a quick transfer of data like without copying for when you no l...
[2 replies] Last: Ahhh ok ok I see thanks :) (by highwayman)
SDL and codeblocks not properly linking
Hi guys I'm using codeblocks with a 64 bit gcc-mingw compiler I downloaded the SDL dev libraries and linked it, this has always worked for me in the past th...
[2 replies] Last: > here are the steps I took, firstly I moved the SDL include directory... (by salem c)
by asxxx
Tokenizer for calculator
Hello. I am coding tokenizer which split expression( for example 123+45 123, + , 45)for calculator. It works correctly excpet float/dobule numbers beacuse I do...
[2 replies] Last: I found it easier to handle everything else, then what is left is eith... (by jonnin)
by nakash
C++ vector storage
my vector is not recording any data from my text file the text file contains 106,187 words but for testing purposes i'm using the below set: bleeping damne...
[8 replies] Last: From the previous post (by seeplus)
Making a function that clears the console
Hello there guys, I am trying to make a function that clears the console. I just graduated high school some months ago and in October I will go to university to...
[6 replies] Last: As Windows 10 now supports VT100 for the console, the VT100 escape seq... (by seeplus)
September 2020 Pages: 1... 8910
  Archived months: [aug2020] [oct2020]

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