Beginners - September 2020 (Page 2)

Due Tonight and very new to this Need Help!!!!
Write your question here. Create a flowchart and Pseudocode using Visio and write a program using Visual Studio. NET. Prompt the user for number of cars they s...
[7 replies] Last: Another reason I ask is because we have to include and separate the in... (by Ashpipe86)
Fixed size permutation
Hello I would like to transform this code that it generates string permutation and not character permutation only with string vectors but I don't know how I sho...
[2 replies] Last: Hello, thank you very much for your help I will go and see the link. T... (by annolliwohe)
by Chad9
Can u help me with this, please ? Create a room structure (C-style, no member-functions) with member-data room dimensions. Write a show () function that di...
[4 replies] Last: Hello Chad9, This may help. 1. Create a room structure (C-style, n... (by Handy Andy)
by BB0404
Code not going off of user input
Hi, in my code I ask the user to input 2 different values, and have if statements set up based on what they ask for. But for no matter what value I put in, it d...
[3 replies] Last: Hello BB0404, Did you learn anything from my other post? http://www.c... (by Handy Andy)
by jnacke
The # of Character jumps doesn't affect the result
Write your question here. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string word; int num; ...
[4 replies] Last: You don't need to change the word . You may output it directly letter... (by coder777)
by Grime
Why can't variable names be larger than 31/63 characters?
"only the first 31/63 characters of a variable name are significant". Why specifically this number? And why is there a limit anyway?
[10 replies] Last: Thanks people (by Grime)
Merge Sort
So I need to sort a 1000000 random numbers. How do I declare a new array to hold the sorted value? the program would run and would break when trying to sort i...
[12 replies] Last: > Ok So I think I finally understand the problem. > So I need arr2 to ... (by ne555)
by ebz
Failing to open a text file on Linux but on Windows it works
I'm trying to open a text file and it's opening perfectly on Windows, but on Linux I'm getting a "No such file or directory". My project structure is as the fo...
[4 replies] Last: Excellent! Thanks ne555, that did the trick! (by ebz)
by BB0404
Not allowing a user to input data
Hi, I am trying to create a program that a user types in their filing status, then types in their income. It allows the user to type in their filing status, but...
[1 reply] : Hello BB0404, PLEASE ALWAYS USE CODE TAGS (the <> formatting button... (by Handy Andy)
Link List - Error
I've been trying to figure out this error on this program, with no luck thus far. The variable 'Node' is a pointer and it's saying the variable 'previous' is un...
[10 replies] Last: dhayden, thank you again for the explanations. That is a really neat w... (by CodeNovice01)
Passing an object's' method into a method of another object?
Hi, I'm wondering if its possible to do something in C++ which I'll show with the example below: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vect...
[3 replies] Last: > cout << school(james.getName()); ¿what's that supposed to print? ... (by ne555)
by Mif
How to make data from a file work as a menu in "C" ?
Hi again.. I know its sounds crazy, but I explain what I meant in a few words. So let's say the way I want this menu to be is more like this: #include <std...
[6 replies] Last: Nothing I said should discourage you. C is a great language, widely ... (by jonnin)
Creating related objects
Hello everyone, how u guys doing? Im doing nice, but have some, maybe noob, good question about C++! How im able to create a object from class product related t...
[14 replies] Last: i did it! Thanks guys for your time! (by programwer99)
Container for a templated class
Hi Suppose I have a templated class like this: template <typename T> class MyTemplate { private: T thing; int num; ...
[3 replies] Last: @dhayden - i've already explained the problem. what is the best way to... (by rozick1)
How do i read the contents into an integer array from my file?
Hello, i'm pretty new to programming and know how to use arrays a little bit, but now i'm trying to add an array with 200 numbers from my text file. i Keep gett...
[5 replies] Last: C++20 has std::span() which makes passing 1-d arrays to functions so m... (by seeplus)
Trouble with overloading << operator
Hello, I am trying to get a better understanding of overloading operators because it is the topic of discussion in my class currently. I cannot seem to get i...
[2 replies] Last: Ah..okay thanks. (by jessemicah98)
function-definition is not allowed here before '{'.
Line 28 & 58 are telling me a function-definition is not allowed here before '{'. New to programming, i've been researching for a solution and it said i need t...
[3 replies] Last: Functions sit outside main in your setup otherwise they can only be us... (by againtry)
Help with an assignment
Hello I am new to c++ and have an assignment as follows: Write a program that contains 3 functions as described below. We will discuss how to turn in on ou...
[1 reply] : Forget the function for a moment and just try cout'ing your name for a... (by againtry)
by Mif
Can a file be opened using a member of a struct ?
Can I open a file using a member of a struct like this: struct Info { int score; char name = "user.txt"; }info; void newUser() { BOOL reg = F...
[18 replies] Last: Ahh ok ok understood, next time I will specify it. In the meantime ... (by Mif)
by Rlabee
Function call error
Hey all, I am writing a BMI calculation program, but i keep running into some problems. I cant get the program to call another function further in the code. ...
[7 replies] Last: Hello Rlabee, The basic idea of the program looks good. You have the ... (by Handy Andy)
September 2020 Pages: 1234... 10
  Archived months: [aug2020] [oct2020]

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