what's wrong with the following codes?

i typed a small fragment of codes from C++ primer p.19, but can't get the expected result. what's wrong with these codes, or my compiler (Dev-C++

#include <iostream>
int main()
int sum = 0, value;
while (std::cin >> value)
sum += value;
std::cout << "the sum is: " << sum << std::endl;
return 0;
i input: 3, space, 4, space, 5, space, 6, space, then, enter, but got nothing.

Thanks for any reply.

It is because if you type "3 4 5 6", the while loop is STILL running(notice the loop requires a number to run,and your input "6" clearly does not terminate the loop), so the program assumes you still have something to input. You must stop the loop by inputing some non-numbers, such as 1 space,2 space,3 space and "e"(or any alphabet or else)
can i help you?
Thanks for your reply.
still doesn't work. value is an int type, and when i input a non-number following the preceding input, the program ends and the console is shut down immediately.

By the book of <<C++ primer >>, it reads,
If we give this program the input
3 4 5 6
then our output will be
the sum is: 18

any tips?
thanks again.


i think you are talking about this stuff
copy and paste this sentence at the end of the program(i.e. after return 0 and before the closing curly bracket)
Thank you, beginner101.
inserting system("pause") before return 0 works.
thank you!

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