2d graphics?

I am currently using microsoft MVSE (Microsoft visual studio express 2005). I seek to do 2d graphics but I cannot find any information on it. I have two books on C++ and neither covers any kind of I/O other than simple cout statements and streams for files. I searched the documentation and all that it turns up is a bunch of stupid .net enhancements. Stuff like system.windows.forms and windows.graphics.

Can someone help me? I will check this website after posting this to see if there is any information on this here.

Thanks for the help in advance!
Well according to this site C++ has not graphics capabilities? So I must use directx or open gl or ogre or something? That just bites!!
well, a cheesy way to get graphics to work would be to make them out of a character i.e. the number 0, and when the character is supposed to move, you have the output position of those chars move by the appropriate amount.

but this is coming from somebody with minimal programming knowledge. i only know of this because that is how you get moving sprites when programming in basic on a graphing calculator
I'm sorry, I'm new to C++, so I don't know the answer to your problem, but just in response to ligerz, it is possible to download omnicalc and create your own sprites on a calculator
To learn more on graphics on a low level, check out www.xgamestation.com.
DirectX and OpenGL are graphics libraries, prewritten to help programmers from reinwenting the wheel every time they write a game.
Just like the STL, they're supposed to be highly efficient and relatively easy to use.

C++ is a genreal pourpouse language, and therefore it's perfectly possible to do graphics in vanilla C++ without external libraries and pre-written code.

It's simply a matter of reading up on graphics hardware on the low level.
Stick to DirectX for now, it's the industry standard as long as you want to write games for Windows.

Gamedev.com has got some quite interesting articles on beginning game programming, and if you want to keep things simple for now, check out The game creator's DarkGDK at www.thegamecreators.com.

It's a complete games development kit, including a DirectX 9.0c (August) wrapper.
If you want to do 2d graphics you should use Borland C++. This is an old program, but it is capable to build 2d graphics. After you install it, you should look in it's help for graphics.h library (or something like that) and there you have all the explanations you need to initialize the graphic mode and to use the predefined graphic functions.
I hope it will help you.
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