how to operate on large value taken in form of string

how to opearate on large number taken in form of string ie how to convert it back into number?
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You can use a stringstream to convert back to an integer, but that doesn't work if the number is too big to fit. What are you trying to do in specific?
@Zhuge i am taking a number of order 10^15 in form of string and want it back in form of inetger can you please tell me how to use stringstream??
Firstly you would need to use a long long int (log(2, 10^15) ~=~50). secondly a quick and simple Google will help you with stringstreams. Post some code if you get stuck.
closed account (iAk3T05o)
I think it's something like this:
#include <sstream>      
long int hmm;          
std::string blah = "10 ^ 15";                                          
std::stringstream(blah) >> hmm;                              
std::cout << hmm;          

I am not sure that'll work because i'm usually the one that inputs the 10^15 using cin. So check google
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