.net framework

I was downloading MS Visual Studio 2010 and also encountered the software downloading .net framework. Meanwhile, I have also heard some other frameworkds out there, but what exactly is the purpose of this?...what is .net framework in a simple language?

.NET Framework.

It is Microsoft's way of making programming easy.

C++ Has libraries like iostream, which are part of the STD library.
.NET has libraries like system.* which are part of the STD library.


All these languages and some more, those are just the ones I remember, allow the whole .NET framework to be used to make programming easier, so if you want to use Python in your programming since you know how to do it in Python but not C#, you can import Python.NET and code with the .NET framework in a normal piece of Python code, if this makes sense.

The reason as to why it is bundled with MSVS is you can make .NET apps through it, therefore without it you can't do anything.

Better yet, without it, we would be stuck with C++ Win32 API making it hard to create massive projects, VB.NET and C#.net make it easier since they handle all the behind the scenes stuff and leave the coding to you, not having to worry about the background stuff like creating the window handles.

Hope this helps and isn't to confusing.
Nope it wasn't and it was good explanation :) Just wanted to get a novice idea on it and I do appreciate for your thoughtful response :) Thank you! :)
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