Class object not taking parameters?

So i made a class called Sprite, it takes the following parameters(this is using the SDL api but i dont think that has anything to do with the problem):
  Sprite(SDL_Renderer *passed_renderer, std::string_path, int x, int y, int w, int h);

then in a different class i made an object called mrSquare
in the header file:
//making an object of type sprite
Sprite *mrSquare; //yes i did include the Sprite.h class 

this is where the problem appears, in the cpp file when i attempt to give mrSquare the parameter values it only accepts one (const sprite &) where there should be more...
in the cpp file:
  mrSquare = new Sprite(//when i try to put the parameter values visual studio says the parameter for sprite is only one constant sprite address..? 

Im taking this code from some tutorials i also typed out, and i am simply copying it for practice...So im not entirely sure what the problem could be :s
Looks like visual studio was simply confusing me as to what the constructor was, filling it all in regardless of it telling me there is a problem seemed to fix it XP this is what i get for trusting a machine.
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