Column Headers

Hi there, I'm basically a computer dummy taking my first computer science class. I'm working on a project that requires the output to be placed into columns. Getting the data into the columns is easy enough, but how do I place titles over the columns?

The output is supposed to look like this:

Weight Allowances

lightweight heavyweight
data 1 / xxxx / xxxx
data 2 / xxxx / xxxx
data 3 / xxxx / xxxx

How do I add in Weight Allowances, heavyweight and lightweight?
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There should be spaces between the datas and the xes and lightweight and heavyweight should be above the xes. I tried entering them, but it all got squished together when I hit submit.
You can use setw from <iomanip> to format the output into columns.

More info here...
Thanks for your reply. I know how to get my output into columns, it's giving those columns titles that I don't know how to do. For example, let's say I was making a program that converted some figure into both metric and English sizes and I wanted to put those figures into columns.

English metric
thing 1 xxx xxx
thing2 xxx xxx

How would I get it so that English and metric will appear above each of the columns?
Something like this? I'm assuming the data in the table will be shorter than the heading titles, so that drives how wide the setw is set.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

int main() 
	cout<< setw(10) <<" " <<"\t"<<"lightweight"<<"\t"<<"heavyweight"<<endl;
	cout<< setw(10) <<"thing1" <<"\t"<<setw(11)<<"data1"<<"\t"<<setw(11)<<"data2"<<endl;
	cout<< setw(10) <<"thing2" <<"\t"<<setw(11)<<"data1"<<"\t"<<setw(11)<<"data2"<<endl;
	return 0;

Awesom, that's exactly what I wanted. Thank you so much!
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