project ideas that can be done in c++

Hello everyone, i'm a 19 years old engineering student, it's the first time i'm studying c++ and i find it fascinating and really want to learn programming. Actually, our prof told us to do projects using c++, but since i'm new in programming, i really don't know what kinf of things we can do using c++, so i'm referring to you to tell so that i'll be able to find some project ideas. Thank you.

Make a program that checks if a given string is palindrome. According to Google, a palindrome is:
Google wrote:
a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backward as forward, e.g., madam or nurses run.

At first your program should ask the user to enter a string of length at most 20 and atleast 2. Then your program should determine if the string the user entered is palindrome. If the string is palindrome, print "YES" otherwise print "NO". Ignore any non alphanumeric characters in the string.

In: Enter a string: racecar
Out: YES

In: Enter a string: madam, i'm adam
Out: YES

In: Enter a string: maranatha
Out: YES

If you found that too easy, then the next level will be to modify your previous program to first check if the string entered is palindrome, then print the number of palindromes found inside the string. Note that from the definition of palindrome, single characters are considered palindrome, but for this, you can ignore the single character cases.

In: Enter a string: racecar
Out: YES, 3

In: Enter a string: madam, i'm adam
Out: YES, 9

In: Enter a string: maranatha
Out: NO

If the above 2 haven't scared you away yet, another extension of the first palindrome problem is the problem of reversing a string. You can attempt this if you want

In: Enter a string: racecar
Out: racecar

In: Enter a string: madam, i'm adam
Out: mada m'i ,madam

In: Enter a string: maranatha
Out: athanaram
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You may want to bookmark these links for future reference:

a) Standard C++ without additional libraries is a good language for console utilities.

Project idea: file compressor.

b) With additional libraries, C++ can be used to (relatively) easily create demos, games and simulations.

Project idea: clones of Arkanoid or Pong games.

More complex 3D games/simulations:
closed account (36k1hbRD)
make a program that writes a bunch of zeros to a file. it eats up 60GB in 2min.
I wouldn't really call that a useful project if he wants to get a good grade. You could how ever make an encryption program (I always found those fascinating)

Here are some other things:

Honestly if you can think it you can do it. (Though some tasks are going to be more complicated than others)

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You're an Engineering student... Write some Engineering tools that will be useful to you AND impress the Prof. Maybe a simple conversion tool:
- Metric <> SAE
- DEG <> RAD <> GRAD
- Mils <> Microns <> mm
- Gauge <> Thickness
- etc...

And if you had enough time and were looking for more challenging problems take a look at ACM problems .
They can be found all over the web .

By khaoulatan :
i really don't know what kinf of things we can do using c++

You can do everything with C++ . breaking your system , writing a virus , writing an anti virus , writing 3DsMAX , Blender , Unity , Game Maker , Creating a new programming languages , designing an operating system and almost everything in computer world . (of course not for now)
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