Code generation diagram

Hi friends

I implemented my code in Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate using C++ and now I am looking for a software that can generate code diagrams explaining the functionality of my code. I looked at various tools but I found none with C++.

Can you guys help?

Thanks a lot.

Try this, it might help you:
• Right click on a file (.cpp, .h, ...) or a project
• Click 'View Class Diagram'

Thanks a lot for your reply. It worked fine for my header files but not for .cpp files. The error message that it displays is " No types were found in selection. This may be due to several limitations of the tool".

I have a graph.h file and I am using this in my main code i.e. in graph.cpp and main.cpp.

I am able to get the class diagrams for graph.h but not for graph.cpp and main.cpp.

Any suggestions?

Thanks a lot
It worked fine for my header files but not for .cpp files. The error message that it displays is " No types were found in selection. This may be due to several limitations of the tool"

There must be at least one class in the file to create its diagram.
Do you mean something like Doxygen? It is my personal favourite: If you comment your classes and functions in a way that it understands, it can generate a bunch of different types of documentation from it (most commonly HTML), and also can be setup to use Dot (from Graphviz) to draw things like include structure diagrams, class diagrams, call diagrams, collation / collaboration diagrams, etc. Its especially useful as a reference tool, for creating manuals for using your library (assuming its a library).

It seems to be new to me.... I am not familiar with it but still I will try this.

Thanks a lot
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