need to select a beginner's book

I'm looking for a good beginner's book on C++. I have a background in programming, though not a professional one. I used to write non-GNU freeware in MS Visual BASIC 6 and REALbasic (multiple versions). VB 6 is now obsolete, and I did not like the direction its successor, VB.NET, was going. Plus, it will not compile for any Linux-based operating system. REALbasic (now known as Xojo) will, but it is not widely used for Linux programming.

Both C++ and Python are widely used for Linux applications, making them good candidates. I want a good development tool that is widely used so that it will be possible to find a lot of sample code and documentation about it. Thus, C++ and Python are both great candidates. LibreOffice Writer is written in C++. That's a big reason why I think it's the language I should learn. I would very much like to tinker and add features to LO writer.

I've been searching around the Internet for a primer for me to use to get started. I've narrowed my search down to two possibilities:

C++ Programming in Easy Steps by Mike McGrath (

A step-by-step guide to becoming a C++ programmer... Guaranteed
by Alex Allain (

I haven't programmed in over 8 years. When I did program, I didn't use C++. I therefore need something that will help a beginner get up to speed. If you believe one of these books would be more suitable than the other, please speak up, or let me know if you think something else would be better.

I'm aware that C++ is a lot harder than VB, but I'm hoping it's like German grammar, which was very hard at first, but became easier in time.

I actually went into a C++ book buying frenzy about a month ago. I've always been interested in computer programming, and I've 'gotten to know' a few languages, such as Actionscript(Flash), VBScript, VBA, PHP and so on. I've never really taken the plunge to intimately understand a programming language until now, so I feel like we're in the same boat! Right now I'm reading 'Jumping into C++' by Alex Allain. His writing style is easy to understand, and the problems really help to cement the information you read in the previous chapters. I highly recommend it. I've also purchased 'Beginning Android C++ Game Development' by Bruce Sutherland, 'Beginning C++ Through Game Programming', and The C++ Programming Language' by Bjarne Stroustrup the man himself. I haven't read any of these books yet, but they seemed to have decent reviews.

Also, side note: has all of the Harvard CS 50 podcasts (and videos!) of their lectures, which are interesting to listen to while in the car. Don't expect to take away a lot from the lectures alone (especially since you can't see the code or class participation!), but it's nice to hear some one talk about what you just read about on your way to work or whatever.

Good luck!
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I went through this process not to long ago but I aimed mine more at game programming but most books listed here are all books that help learn alot of aspects of C++.
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