Random number genoraters

I was staying at my dads house one day and we were playing a board game when he shows me this rpg called call of cthulhu. It's quite a popular game were you take on a role as an investogator and I thought It would be a cool little project for me to do.my main questions on getting started with this though is how I owuld make a random number generator for the dice roll then how to make that effect a certain thing. To give an example of what I mean, when making your player at the beggining to see how much streangth you charater has you have to roll 3 6 sidded dice, the same goes with finding out your characters intellegnce, you have to roll two 6 sidded dice plus 6. Basically I want to be able to make some random number genorators that I can use over and over again which would have to be from 0 -12, 0 - 18 and 0 - 100. This will basically cover basic movement and the ability to make a character in the game.

much appreciated to anyone who can help me :D

C++11 provides facilities for exactly this kind of thing https://ideone.com/qQU2XV
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