Getting text from the lineEdit

I'm sorry for the, I think, most stuoid question ever asked, but how can I get the text from lineEdit in Qt and put it into a variable? This doesn't seem to work:
string s;
  s= lineEdit->text();

and, how can I get the nmber of a char in a string?
By the way, I'm using QtCreator 5.3.
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I assume you have ui files so try s = ui->lineEdit->text();.

I am not sure what you are asking for the second question? Do you want the ASCII value, the index, or something else?
I've tried with ui also, but it didn't work. When I do like this
it's writing me: "no match for 'operator=' (opernad tyoes 'std::string{aka::std::basic_string<char>}' and {'QString'}
I mean , if we foe example have a string "abcdefg" and I want to know the index number(sory, I'm not an english native-speaker); For example for a it will be 0, for b it will be 1 for c 2 etc.
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Without seeing your code I can only guess you are not including string(or Qstring). It is usually better to use Qstring, along with all the other Qt types, over the C++ types.

To get the index number, one way would be to use a for loop.
for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i)
     if(s[i] == 'b')
         int index = i;

Depending on how you plan to use it, there is likely to be a better way though. The docs are the best place to look to find what will work best for your purposes:
Oh! Thank you so much! But what about getting text from lineEdit? I still didnt find a solution....((
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Those are the two ways to do it, if neither is working then you have something wrong somewhere else in your code. The following code works fine with a window containing a QLineEdit, QPushButton, and a QLabel. When you click the button, the text from the QLineEdit gets assigned to the string str and displayed in the QLabel. It is the only thing I added besides the widgets.
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
    QString str = ui->lineEdit->text();

Without seeing your code I cannot say more.
Oh< Thank you!
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