Whats wrong with this?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
char a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m;
int n;
cout<<"Enter your Birth Month.Press: "<<endl;
cout<<"a= January"<<endl;
cout<<"b= February"<<endl;
cout<<"c= March"<<endl;
cout<<"d= April"<<endl;
cout<<"e= May"<<endl;
cout<<"f= June"<<endl;
cout<<"g= July"<<endl;
cout<<"h= August"<<endl;
cout<<"i= September"<<endl;
cout<<"j= October"<<endl;
cout<<"k= November"<<endl;
cout<<"l= December"<<endl;

cout<<"Enter the Birth Date: (1 to 31) "<<endl;

if (m == 'a')

Its not printing "Capricorn", when i execute the program..
why? :(
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Did you enter both inputs to your program and the first one as a.
It's ok now, the output has shown already.
Thank you sir.

I'm sorry for that.
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