VS2010 new directory for classes to include/link to projects

I have a couple of classes split into .h and .cpp that I placed together into a separate 'classes' directory so that multiple projects can access them.

Under project properties->VC++ Directory
I changed the 'include directories' parameter with the full path of my 'classes' folder.

The .h from my classes seem to be usable within the projects but my .cpp are not being linked to correctly as they are causing error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol problems when I compile.

//this is how the .cpp starts - is the path wrong ?
#include "CMyClass.h" 

Thanks !
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This error often means that some function has a declaration, but not a definition.
The classes have been tested in their own consoles so the definitions are definitely there. The classes are in a new directory separate from the project and I'm not sure how to have them find their .cpp.

My directory looks like this under Visual Studio 2010\Projects\
project_one //wants to use a class from the 'classes' folder
project_two //also wants to use a class from the 'classes' folder
classes //.h and .cpp are in here 

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