Ubuntu 14.04.1

What is the best IDE/Compiler for Ubuntu 14.04.1

closed account (EwCjE3v7)
IDE and compilers are two different things.


There is no best IDE, its personal preference, I don't use an IDE anymore, I have Sublime Text and use the G++ to compile, the reason is that I can just add arguments to the compilation easily.

I used to use Code::Block, you can find it in the Software manager.


I have went from G++ to Clang and now back to G++, it's just easier to so thats the main reason.
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now I understood the difrrence between IDE and compiler and I need something like Visual Studio on Ubuntu
closed account (EwCjE3v7)
Well if you would like an IDE, the top two that I would recommend are Code::Blocks but there are others like Eclipse CDT, Net Beans and CodeLite

Just check them out and see which one you like
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