Protecting CD/DVD s from copying or printing !!

Hellow Everyone!
I have a problem and here's the thing...
My dad is a photographer and he is in big problems.He often photographs weddings together with his friend who captures those weddings with video camera!
Then they are making DVDs for selling,but there is a man in town who copies that DVDs and sells them for lower price.He is oridinary pc user who knows how to turn on/off computer and how to click "copy dvd" button in Nero.
I was wondering is it able to make protection with C++ which would protect thos files on DVD so people could only watch it and not copy it to computer and other CD/DVDs or even from PRINTING??!!

I repeat that doesn't need to be ultra protection program because the man who copies it doesn't know a shit (and i mean it REALLY!)

any help would be appriciated
Not really the place to ask this kind of question. Have you tryed looking here:
If your dad has placed a copyright on the content, then why don't you have your dad sue this other person for copyright infringement?
If your dad has placed a copyright on the content, then why don't you have your dad sue this other person for copyright infringement?

Maybe the better question is:"In what country do you live?"
Well believe or not it is Bosnia and Herzegovina, we hardly have police here.
And trying to sue someone because of this problem would cause only loss of time!
Ok, fair enough. Sorry for the bother.

Punch the man in the teeth.
Not really; but as you can't really sue him, I don't think there's anything to do. You can probably find some kind of protection program on the internet, you may have to pay for it though.

This isn't really the kind of place to ask this question though.
Maybe you could make a virus-like program and add it to the dvd and set it to activate if he tries to copy it, If you know the person is using nero im sure it wouldnt be to complicated to have it do something maybe as simple as close nero everytime he opens it.
That's not virus-like. A virus is self-replicating, not to mention malicious and illegal. What this guy doing is stopping him from copying his stuff.

I don't agree with it though. He can only copy it if he buys a copy.

Why not try asking him to stop, or at least, pay you some form of royalty?
guys, i just need very simple program that will display an error and abort copying process when that son of a bi.. clicks "copy DVD" in Nero program, and i believe that can't be that hard
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i believe that can't be that hard

Why don't you do it then?

What you're asking is for someone to write some software that reads Nero's memory segment (where the process is storing it's variables and what-not); and on the off-chance that Nero stores a variable when the "copy DVD" button is clicked, manages to read that change in memory and then stop it and display an error message.

What Dynamicfilter is recommending is to read through all the currently running processes, find this Nero program and kill it, which is somewhat more plausible but I still wouldn't fancy doing it.
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What sort of creeps would want to buy someone else's wedding videos??

How would one even know there was a market for it to start copying them? haha
I was thinking it didn't make sense. Either this is one of the best trolls of all time or someone has some explaining to do.

As I understand it, OP's dad is a wedding photographer and sells DVDs with his friend, a wedding filmographer. However Dr Robotnik some guy has captured stolen the Chaos Emerald DVD and is undercutting them.

OP isn't telling us something.

Besides DRMs suck.
closed account (iw0XoG1T)
Wow black market Bosnian wedding videos--why can't someone stop these villians.
Most 1st-world and many 2nd-world countries have laws that cover such things. Get a lawyer. You don't need to go full criminal trial stuff -- whatever your equivalent to small claims court will do.
Hmm, have you tried to google it. STFW is a great source of knowledge. Search for a burner that will include a no copy feature on the dvds u burn. This might stop him. Also bootlegging is a problem everywhere. You might want to compete with this guy. Maybe make a mutual agreement where he gives you some of the profit. Beat him to the customers. Idk your topic seems funny. Frickin wedding videos. You sure your not talking about movies?
Also, if your dad is making these videos FOR a client, is this other guy breaking into your house to get the dvds?

Because surely your dad would just give the dvd to the client once its been burnt no?

Somethings a bit fishy
Obviously the only plausible explanation is these videos cover the wedding night as well.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
It sounds like:

Person A is getting married.
They get person B to do the video and photography and get one DVD.
They then take the DVD to person C to make duplicates.

Or, may be 'wedding video' is a euphemism.
wachtn (70) Oct 9, 2009 at 10:10am
Obviously the only plausible explanation is these videos cover the wedding night as well.

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