not working



double factorial(int);

#define PI 3.141592653589793

int main()
double angle, radian, sine, n, x, factorial, s, i;
x = 1;
printf("Enter angle in degrees (0 to quit)\n");
scanf("%f", &angle);

for (i = 1; i <= 15; i++){

factorial = factorial * n;
return factorial;

while (angle != 0){
radian = angle*(PI / 180);
sine = 0;
n = 1;
while (n <= 15)
s = (radian - (pow(radian, n)) / (factorial));

printf("sin(%f)=%f\n", angle, s);

printf("Enter angle in degrees (0 to quit): ");
scanf("%f", &angle);


return 0;
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can't seem to get this to work

the code should find the sine value in 5 stages and then final answer

formula below

sin(x) = x −x3/3!+x5/5!−x7/7!+x9/9!
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