C++ Hello World

I've been eager to start learning C++, and so I started using NewBoston's C++ tutorial, however,when I typed in the coding for the "Hello world!" program using the same exact format he did, I kept getting errors such as: 'end1' was not declared in this scope

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
cout << "Hello world!" << end1;
return 0;

Could someone please tell me what went wrong this program and how to improve it (btw, I'm using code blocks as the compiler)

it's 'L' not 1.


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That doesn't work, when I replaced end1, with endL it said the same thing.
Did you read provided link? There are examples and even article itself states that all letters are lowercase.
Oh sorry, I didn't noticed the link, but yeah thanks it works now.
i did an upper case L to show you it was the letter and not a number '1'. I was hoping the link and me writing endl would have gotten the message across. sorry...
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