Hey, can some1 help me?

Hey, i wanna begin with C++ and i wanna learn how to use it, plz help me

// ante
Well, to start, the best thing to do is find a good compiler. If you don't know, a compiler is a program that translates what you write in C++ into what your computers processor can understand. But that's a whole different lesson.

Anyway, you need to find a compiler, a good one is Microsoft Visual C++, which you can download from the Microsoft website. Personally, I recommend Dev-C++, which you can find on SourceForge.

Anyway, after you have your compiler, I suggest you go through the tutorial on this website for starters. Make sure to get a good understanding of each subject before you move on, the tutorial expects you to have a good understanding as you move on, and can become confusing if you skip over some things.

Finally, and most importantly, practice the little things. I cannot stress the importance of this enough! By practicing your programming, you get a better understanding of what your doing, and through that, your become able to slim down and streamline your code, which in the end is a very good thing.

Now, as for using it, there are many, many resources all over the internet on how to use it, you just need to find them, which I'll admit can be a pain in the butt. You wont be getting to that until a bit later though.

I hope all of this helps, just remember, though it can be a little intimidating to look at, all the code you see can be traced back to the basics, it's just remembering that which fouls people up.

Anyway, good luck with your programming!

- ilikeboom89
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