Visual C++ 6.0

Hi all,

I am trying to implement few functions from a library, but for that I need to use the older version of the library, which had support for VC++ Version 6.0

Does anyone have any idea where can I get this IDE.

I tried searching on microsoft website but cudn't fund an exact download link..

Many thanks,

6.0 isn't free of charge. In any case, you're better off staying away from it. It's pre-standard, very weird, and it hasn't aged well. The fact that it's more than ten years old doesn't help, either.

then how about the very first .NET version, i.e. 2002..
You can download the Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition

That will not likely help you though.
What functions are you trying to re-implement? From what library? (Chances are someone has done it already or there is a better way to do it.)

I am trying to use a library called PRL( Proxy Re-Encryption Library), which is basically linux based. It further uses miracl library( supports windows natively). It's been weeks I am trying to use PRL for in vain. Although the authors say that with some changes, it will build on windows, I m not much sure how to do that.

the miracl version which these guys used to make PRL is quite old and supported either studio 6.0 or 2002..

the newer versions of miracl hav good support for VC2005 but PRL code wont understand the new headers and functions of the latest miracl.. :(

Thus, I have to use the version they used..


What if there is a way of using the linux based PRL code and windows based miracl ( both C++) together in visual studio to create a single library..

I need to use PRL functions.. and PRL needs miracl codes..

so, if the above is possible.. then my problems would be solved to a much higher extent...

I tried doing it.. but I keep getting some syntax errors in the code.. which I should not coz of two reasons:
1. the libraries are functional and others have used them before..
2. someone told me that syntax for C++ will be the same for both linux and windows.. ( is this correct)

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