Need help analyzing program

Hello everyone. My name is Slashdash, and I need your help!

I've made a program which receives and sends information. It seems to run okay, but I'd like to know if there are any errors, or mistakes.

So I have two questions for you, which I hope you can help me with.

Can I download a program, which will test, if there are any errors in the code?

Or could one of you lot, help me / analyze the program with me?

I've made an Age Calculator, and since there are a lot of different scenarios and outputs, it'd be nice to know what I could change in the program, to make it better, or to get to know what mistakes I've made.

I’m open to all suggestions!
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Appreciate it. Do you have any recommendations, out of all the programs?
Try out the static analyzer built in to clang, if you can. No matter what, it doesn't hurt to try out all the free ones.
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