Possible exam question

Hello my friends.
My exam just around the corner. I want prepare some exercise for me before sit the exam.
In data structure, I have learned about stack,queue and list.
There are a few topics that I learned
1.Odd and even number.
2.Positive and negative number.
3.Word sorted and frequency.
Can you suggest what is the possible question that will ask?

Why dont you PM me some of the questions you get so I can prepare for my data structure exam in 2 months :p
Actually I just want to know some of the common question that will ask in the exam.
So do I :)
What do you mean TarikNeaj.
I didnt understand. Please clear to me?
Read my first post. I said this

Why dont you PM me some of the questions you get so I can prepare for my data structure exam in 2 months :p

The ones you get on your exam.
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I didnt get yet.
I just want to know the possible question.
If I get it I will share with you.

Sorry TarikNeaj. I misunderstand.
This thread is hilarious!

Maybe this site can help you. http://www.careerride.com/Data-Structure-Interview-Questions.aspx
I dont know what there is to misunderstand... Im literally telling you that I have the same exam in 2 months, and asking you to pm me some of the questions you recieve on your exam.
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