Beginner console games tips

Hey, i just can't find any good guides on making a "simple" snake game for example. Where do i start? What do i have to think about? And not only for snake games, i mean console games in general.Thanks!!

closed account (2LzbRXSz)
While console applications are all a great deal of fun, you might as well just move onto external libraries like SFML.

That being said think about the logics behind the game you're looking to create. Everything involved, controls, arrays, classes, functions, LOOPS. The heart of your game will run in a loop - that's true for most (if not all) games (including console).

By the way, since you were interested here's finished code for a snake game.
Console games were earlier in the past written with the graphics.h header,which is deprecated now.
But I dont want to disappoint you.If you want to make 2d games,then Allegro is a very good library which you should try out. //This is the forum and associated pages //This is the sourceforge main page

There are a lot of simple games written in Allegro,and if you have trouble making a dynamic library of the API and stuff,then theres also a Unofficial Distro of allegro with all major dlls that you will need.

//Sorry,I cant seem to find the link now

Apart from 2d,theres also 3d libraries like Ogre3d.I dont know about it much,though.
I appreciate all the responses, but i want to create a 2D game in c++. Why i'm so adamant in using c++? Because i'm not out there to "develop games", i'm out there to learn c++ and understand the logic behind the code when it comes to code and not entering and receiving values.

You should then make up your mind to use which library.Also cross-platform is a option that you should decide now.
Having spent one or two years learning a platform specific library,you will find yourself stretched to learn another library to port your games to another platform.This is when you are making a game.
Allegro is cross platform,and its 2d also.But I havent started programming in it,though I have the Unofficial Distro o0f it.

For more options on 2d libraries,heres a good post on another website which I came across,
closed account (z05DSL3A)
YourBroAlex wrote:
I appreciate all the responses, but i want to create a 2D game in c++. Why i'm so adamant in using c++? Because i'm not out there to "develop games", i'm out there to learn c++ and understand the logic behind the code when it comes to code and not entering and receiving values.
Hmm, with a response like that I would suggest that you don't bother with trying to create a game for the console, you will just end up banging your head against the wall trying to get the console to do things that it was not intended to do.
+1 Grey Wolf

The C++ language has no concept of a 2D computer display or even a keyboard. It only knows there's a stream of characters coming in (CIN) and a stream going out (COUT). A snake game will mean you must learn to use the ncurses library and THAT is a total waste of time if you just want to learn C++. Pick any other project or do something like the Euler Project:
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